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Davis Jones
Davis Jones
Mr. Davis Jones works with environmental licensing and enforcement agencies throughout Latin America and the Caribbean to support the strengthening of country safeguard systems to align environmental governance programs with good international practice. He supports the Regional Policy Dialogues on Environmental Licensing and Enforcement and designs and executes training on Environmental Impact Assessment and Enforcement. Prior to that, he led the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) International Compliance Assurance Division responsible for notification and consent of hazardous waste imports and exports, international networking, and capacity building on environmental enforcement. He was EPA’s staff liaison to the International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE), and worked extensively to train counterparts and create regional enforcement networks in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. He began his career in 1990 in EPA’s enforcement program as an inspector and developed enforcement cases against large, national corporations with multiple violations at facilities nation-wide. Prior to joining the US EPA, Mr. Jones served 3 years in the United States Peace Corps as a natural resource promoter in the Dominican Republic. He has a Masters of Science in Environmental Science and Public Policy, and a Bachelors of Science in Natural Resources.