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Valentina Saavedra

Valentina Saavedra
Valentina Saavedra is a climate change specialist. Currently she supports LAC countries in implementing the Paris Agreement, focusing mainly in topics related to greater climate ambition, as updating NDCs and implementation of LTS. Previously, Valentina worked as a World Bank consultant on projects related to pollution management and city competitiveness, and WB projects’ climate co-benefits quantification. In the past, Valentina worked as a sustainable water management specialist in the Ministry of Energy of Chile and in the University of Chile. Valentina is a Renewable Natural Resources Engineer and has a Masters in Energy and Environmental Policy from the University of Maryland.In the past, Valentina worked as a sustainable water management specialist in the Ministry of Energy of Chile and in the University of Chile. Valentina is a Renewable Natural Resources Engineer and has a Masters in Energy and Environmental Policy from the University of Maryland.