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Monique Johnson

Monique Johnson
Monique Johnson is a Consultant at the Environment, Rural Development and Disaster Risk Management Division of the IDB. She works on Capacity Building for Ecosystem Services Valuation and ICZM Best Practice Dissemination, and supports the Coastal Risk Assessment and Management program at the Barbados Country Office. She previously worked for the Government of Trinidad & Tobago in developing coastal management strategies and climate change adaptation. She obtained her Master’s Degree in Coastal Engineering and Management at the University of the West Indies (UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad) with a focus on historical shoreline evolution and management of the Pigeon Point Heritage Park and Buccoo Marine Protected Area, Tobago. She also worked at the Seismic Research Centre developing public awareness and disaster management strategies towards a Tsunami Early Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, and provided project management support for a number of disaster management initiatives in the region including, most recently, the Montserrat Volcano Observatory. She obtained a Bachelors in Geology from the UWI Mona, Jamaica, while she worked at the Marine Geology Unit, UWI, developing and executing monitoring and community outreach projects for coastal hazards and climate change vulnerability assessments.