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Maria Margarita Cabrera Botero

Maria Margarita Cabrera Botero
She has over 15 years of experience with leadership in climate finance, sustainable infrastructure, environmental management risks, and climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and the USA. During her professional career, she has overseen technical leadership in identifying, developing, evaluating and managing a wide range of public and private sector projects within diverse sectors including energy, transport, forestry, renewables, as well as providing green finance strategies and blended finance solutions to access International Climate Funds (e.g. CIF, GCF, IKI, GEF and NDF). She is currently the Fund Adviser of the Sustainable Infrastructure Program (UK SIP) and the NDC pipeline Accelerator Fund (ACL), within the Climate Change Division at the Inter-American Development Bank, managing a wide portfolio of green projects and interventions that promotes private sector investments. Prior, she was part of the Capital Markets Division, coordinating the “Leveraging green investments (LGI) Program- IKI Program”, a four-year Program to develop Green Finance Strategies and addresses barriers to green investments in LAC countries through National Development Banks to develop green investments to mobilize private sector capital and coordinated the creation of the first national innovation Lab with the Brazilian Government. She holds a specialist degree in Management of Quality and Innovation processes from EAN School of Business and a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering from La Salle University, in Bogota, Colombia. She is an accredited HSEQ auditor.