Mounting climate pressure underscores challenges ahead It is not often, and in fact rare, that we’re presented with overwhelming evidence of meaningful progress in combatting the challenges of climate change. In fact, to the contrary, scientific research and climate news tends towards the grim realities of society’s predicament. In the pure pursuit of improved livelihoods and … [Read more...] about Measuring climate progress ton by ton
How energy efficiency can improve the lives of women
In Latin America and the Caribbean, women often responsible for taking care of the home and raising children. In the region, millions of women stay at home to take care of the housework and children. What does this have to do with energy? A lot. Since women and children spend more time at home, they will mostly benefit if the family can afford higher thermal quality housing, … [Read more...] about How energy efficiency can improve the lives of women
Pachamama insures farmers against extreme weather events
Highly vulnerable rural population gets groundbreaking access to risk management instruments in an effort to adapt. The “Pachamama” Agricultural Insurance Program was developed by the Government of Bolivia to help farmers to cope with losses caused by extreme weather events. Thanks to the involvement of municipal and community authorities, the project introduces a financial … [Read more...] about Pachamama insures farmers against extreme weather events
How Big Data Is Changing Big Business
Did you know that every minute the world loses 50 soccer fields worth of forest? That’s one of the headline findings from recently published data on global deforestation. Access to deforestation data is making it increasingly easy for companies to monitor deforestation in their supply chains. Deforestation is just one issue where big data is providing companies with more … [Read more...] about How Big Data Is Changing Big Business
All you need to know about Smart grids: the future of the network
Who has not heard of smart grids? The term is increasingly common in discussions about the present and future of the electrical grid. But, what is a smart grid? Some people equate smart grids with smart meters that measure and inform the user in real time about energy consumption and its cost. Others see smart grids as the control of distributed generators connected to homes or … [Read more...] about All you need to know about Smart grids: the future of the network