In the classic essay “The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth”, the renowned British economist K. Boulding (1966) compared the economy’s conventional vision with that of a “cowboy economy”. The old time cowboy always had another `frontier’ or a place to move to when resources were exhausted. The earth was a place with open spaces without borders and unlimited … [Read more...] about Beyond the cowboy economy: towards natural capital accounting
Juan Pablo Castaneda

Juan Pablo Castaneda is part of the WAVES team at The World Bank in Washington, D.C. He works implementing and promoting the use of Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) in Latin America and other regions of the world. He has worked for more than ten years implementing the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) in several countries. His academic background comprises studies in Ecological Economics at The University of Edinburgh in the UK and Economics at Tilburg University in the Netherlands.