Handling large volumes of information that are constantly being updated is one of the major challenges that we will be facing in the near future. Large companies use big data techniques every day to get to know their consumers better and to hone their marketing strategies. Countries are also using big data to update their investment attraction policies and promote trade … [Read more...] about How Will New Technologies Impact Integration in Latin America?
Carlos D'Elía

Carlos D'Elía
Carlos D’Elía is an Economist at the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL), a unit of the Integration and Trade Sector of the Inter-American Development Bank. He studied economy at the National University of Buenos Aires and he obtained a master degree in corporate finance at UCEMA. He worked as an Associate Economic Affairs Officer for the Division of International Trade and Integration of ECLAC and the Ministries of Economy and Foreign Affairs of Argentina. He is the author of several works on trade and integration. // Economista especialista en comercio internacional e integración. Consultor del Instituto para la Integración de América Latina y el Caribe (INTAL) del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID). Licenciado en Economía (UBA) y Magister en Finanzas (UCEMA). Trabajó en la División de Comercio Internacional e Integración de la CEPAL y en los Ministerios de Economía y Relaciones Exteriores de la Argentina. Es autor de diversos trabajos sobre comercio e integración.