Everyone has great ideas when it comes to designing development projects or policies. At the drawing board, and with a bit of ideological support, an abundance of ideas are born that could easily improve countless lives. However, these ideas, while sound in theory, don´t always work. If only there was a time machine to take us to the future to verify the effectiveness of … [Read more...] about Timely thoughts on impact evaluations
Inter-American Development Bank
Do we learn more when we make mistakes?
In 2013 the Inter-American Development Bank financed 168 projects for a total of 14 billion dollars. Every day we ask ourselves if our projects are contributing to the well-being of the region; if they are improving quality of life for the girls, farmers, and retirees we had in mind when we planned the interventions; if we really know if the projects failed or succeeded; if … [Read more...] about Do we learn more when we make mistakes?