By Helio Bertachini Ms. Terezinha runs her own small business selling churrasquinho, a type of steak stick, in Pindamonhangaba, a city in the countryside of São Paulo State, Brazil. Terezinha needs credit to grow her business, but until recently her access to credit was very limited.View Post … [Read more...] about Tackle the Funding Gap: Expanding Access to Credit for Brazilian Microentrepreneurs
access to credit
Lending and Green Financing for Small Businesses in Colombia
By José Juan Gomes, Álvaro Concha, María Netto Nearly all of the estimated 1.6 million businesses in Colombia are micro, small, or medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Across the board, if you ask owners of these firms what the biggest challenge is to grow their businesses, the answer is almost unanimous: access to credit. Growth of MSMEs is critical to the Colombian economy … [Read more...] about Lending and Green Financing for Small Businesses in Colombia
The impact of public credit programs on Brazilian firms
This is a joint blog with Cesar Rodriguez. The need for public intervention to expand access to credit for firms in emerging markets has been debated for long by policy makers and scholars. Even more controversial has been the role that government-owned Banks should play in these economies. We just published a paper in the SPD working paper series, in which we try to … [Read more...] about The impact of public credit programs on Brazilian firms