And now that Alvin Roth (see his blog) and Lloyd Shapley just received the Nobel Prize in Economics, the sweet link of the day: Chocolate Consumption, Cognitive Function, and Nobel Laureates
It seems that we don’t know much on which anti-corruption policies are effective (or not), but crowd-mapping corruption with mobile phones has spread from India to Russia, Colombia and Kenya
Behind the scenes: Managing and conducting large scale impact evaluations in Colombia
Check out this great evaluation resource and this tool kit for systematic reviews
Hand-washing with soap, has been shown to reduce diarrhea in young children by as much as 48 percent; but this large scale evaluation shows no impact on health or productivity is found. Why?
Economics is not the only field where replication is an issue. Kahneman challenges psychologists to clean up their act
Your favorite academic tweeters
And the Marginal University is open
Finally, it seems that looking at cute animal pictures increases your productivity
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