In a previous blog, we explored the positive impact of impact evaluations and impact evaluation institutional frameworks have had on policy formulation. It is hard to imagine the success of Conditional Cash Transfers, early childhood interventions, massive vaccinations or, more recently, deworming (despite the brouhaha) without the ammunition that hard evidence provided … [Read more...] about 4 examples of strategic ignorance – Part 1
3 good examples of the impact of impact evaluations
A few weeks ago, I published a blog post on some of the unsettling implications of this paper that suggested that some interventions lose their punch when done by public agencies. One of the takeaways was the need to “go up the bureaucratic supply chain” as nicely put by Justin Sandefur in a tweet on the post. In other words, the need to jump over the “challenge of … [Read more...] about 3 good examples of the impact of impact evaluations
8 qualities of good economists
Alfred Marshal regarded himself as “a wanderer in the land of dry facts; looking forward to a speedy return to the luxuriance of pure thought.” Keynes, in his 1924 Economic Journal obituary, (ungated here) thought that Marshall combined “the most essential and fundamental of the economist's necessary gifts-he was conspicuously historian and mathematician, a dealer in the … [Read more...] about 8 qualities of good economists
Simulation models in tourism projects
According to the World Travel & Tourism Council, travel and tourism sustains more jobs than financial services, communications, mining, automotive and chemicals manufacturing industries across every region of the world. In areas such as the Caribbean, tourism represents 41% of goods and services total exports. Its potential is promising to many: some consider that tourism … [Read more...] about Simulation models in tourism projects
10 Pitfalls in Cost Benefit Analysis
Demonstrating effectiveness is at the core of the RCT revolution (led by lab, quasi and discontinuous randomistas and followed by many of us on twitter). It is only quite recently that structural models have begun to appear that allow for reliable estimates for welfare improvements, demand curves and benefit flows. For instance, this recent study on de-worming in Kenya which … [Read more...] about 10 Pitfalls in Cost Benefit Analysis