James Heckman just published a must, must read on the critical importance of early childhood development.
This is the first sentence.
The accident of birth is a principal source of inequality in America today.
And this is the last paragraph
Social policy should, then, be directed toward the malleable early years. And it should be guided by the goal of promoting the quality of parenting and the early life environments of disadvantaged children, while also respecting the primacy of the family, showing cultural sensitivity, and recognizing America’s social diversity. And that means that effective strategies need to provide a menu of high quality programs from which parents can choose.
The is a must, must read because Heckman is probably one of the most influential and respected economists today and everything in between is rigorous. His article has generated a vigorous debate.
Where can we find this article?
Which article are you refering to? The link to Prof. Heckman’s article is at the end of this post. Its working for me and I checked in another computer. Hope the link works in your computer. Thanks for reading us
Laurent, try this link:
Thanks. The link works from my PC.
Where can we find this article?
Which article are you refering to? The link to Prof. Heckman’s article is at the end of this post. Its working for me and I checked in another computer. Hope the link works in your computer. Thanks for reading us
Laurent, try this link:
Thanks. The link works from my PC.
It’s here: http://www.bostonreview.net/BR37.5/ndf_james_heckman_social_mobility.php
The link works from my PC. Anybody else with problems? PLease let us know.
It’s here: http://www.bostonreview.net/BR37.5/ndf_james_heckman_social_mobility.php
The link works from my PC. Anybody else with problems? PLease let us know.