The pandemic has given us all a crash course in dealing with crises, becoming a sneak peak into what a man-made global disaster that disproportionately impacts the poor and vulnerable can cause. Climate change can be very similar, and knowing how to navigate and gauge its risks even harder. With COVID-19 coming at a time when some were already eschewing the term “climate … [Read more...] about Addressing Climate Risk: Five Steps to Get Started
Milena Cafruni
Milena Correia Cafruni es consultora de la división Social, Ambiental y Gobernanza (SEG) de BID Invest. Es licenciada en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de São Paulo y anteriormente trabajó en evaluación de impacto social y participación de las partes interesadas en los sectores de energía y minería en Brasil. En BID Invest, ha estado trabajando con temas transversales, como cambio climático, género y riesgos sociales. Actualmente también está cursando una maestría en Cooperación Internacional y Desarrollo de la Universidad La Sapienza de Roma.

Milena Cafruni
Milena Correia Cafruni is a consultant in the Social, Environmental and Governance (SEG) division at IDB Invest. She has a degree in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo and worked previously with social impact assessment and stakeholder engagement in the energy and mining sectors in Brazil. At IDB Invest, she has been working with cross-cutting themes, such as climate change, gender, and social risks. She is also currently pursuing her master’s in International Cooperation and Development from La Sapienza University of Rome.