The greatest challenges bring out the most innovative solutions. The finalists of the BID-FEMSA Award 2017 are living proof of that. The jury has selected seven innovative solutions to solve the problems of the water, sanitation and solid waste sectors in Latin America and the Caribbean. All of them will travel to the final round of the Award in Buenos Aires, Argentina, that will be held during the Water and Development Congress of the International Water Association.
The finalists are already implementing their solutions in Brazil, México, Colombia, Perú and Chile. They were selected among 50 competitors from all over the LAC region and they will have the chance to make a final live presentation on November 14th before a jury composed by international experts working on water and sanitation, business and innovation.
The first prize will receive a cash award of US$15 thousand, and the second and third prize Will get US$10 thousand and US$5 thousand respectively.
These are the seven finalists, who had to prepare a video pitch of their solutions as part of the competition:
Fluid. Brazil
Fluid is an artificial intelligence system that utilizes sensors attached to the hydrometers to detect spills in the pipes on the water distribution networks.
Ekofil. Colombia
The clay Ekofil filter is a portable unit, easy to install and to maintain. It grants access to clean and safe water from sources of dubious quality.
DryMix. Peru
DryMix is a dry toilet that separates the fecal matter from the urine at the source, so the fecal sludge can be disposed of in a safe and sustainable way. The toilet accelerates the process of stabilization and decomposition of the fecal matter.
Signage for industrial facilities. Chile
The solution utilizes security and signage products for industrial plants produced from 100% post-consumer recycled materials, mainly plastics, HDE, PET, wood and others.
Greywater purifier. Mexico
It is a filter that removes detergent from water using solar power. The filter heats the water at high temperature at which soap and other detergents are dissolved. It is an economical and smaller size purifier than most alternatives already in the market.
Eco-Active. Colombia
Eco-Active is an organic catalyzer that utilizes highly accelerated bases to decompos polluting organic matter in natural water ways.
WaterAir. Perú
WaterAir is a piece of equipment that produces water from the air through an innovative refrigeration system. The equipment utilizes clean and affordable energy, which makes it accessible to low income communities.
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