Written by Lynn Scholl, Alana Fook, Juan David Barahona and Seonhwa Lee Mobility and accessibility are essential elements for a dignified life and the full development of people and societies. Efficient, safe, affordable, and accessible transportation systems not only promote economic productivity and create jobs but can increase access to employment, recreational, and … [Read more...] about How can transport reduce poverty and promote socially inclusive development?
Juan David Barahona

Juan David Barahona
Senior consultant in the Transportation Division based in Washington, DC. He works on strengthening public policies and developing inclusive and sustainable operations to optimize urban mobility and enhance the development of multimodal infrastructure and its associated transport services. Before joining the IDB, Juan David worked for more than 12 years in the public sector in Colombia, in agencies including the Ministry of Transportation, where he was Director of Infrastructure, the Financial Fund for Development Projects - FONADE, where he was Deputy Technical Manager, and as Advisor of the National Planning Department and the Office of the Mayor of Bogota. Juan David is a Civil Engineer from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, a Business Administrator from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia, and has a master’s degree in Regional and Urban Planning from the London School of Economics. SPANISH