By Gastón Gertner and Lucas Figal Garone* In one of the case study panels in our Surveys and Impact Evaluation Workshop in Santiago this week (#Taller_EEiPP), we discussed a topic that is clearly not trivial for Impact Evaluations. How can we implement a random assignment of beneficiaries when the possibility of doing so at a desk or an office with computer-programmed … [Read more...] about “Running raffles”: random assignment in the field
random assignment
A new evaluation guide for practitioners: labor market programs
With the purpose of providing support for those in charge of overseeing evaluations, we at the Office of Strategic Planning and Development Effectiveness at the IDB are producing guidelines on selected topics and methods. This allows non-evaluators to understand the key steps that are necessary for a credible evaluation to take place. Our latest publication is Building an … [Read more...] about A new evaluation guide for practitioners: labor market programs