Before Peru was struck by COVID-19, Diana Quispe* was a part-time hairdresser based in the outskirts of Lima, who served customers in their homes in one of the city’s wealthier districts. She was an informal sector worker, like almost 80% of workers in Peru and over 50% across Latin America, with no health insurance or paid sick leave. But when the government announced … [Read more...] about A crisis like no other: Why informal work did not spike under COVID-19
Could access to electricity contribute to happiness in the interior of Suriname?
An electrification project in the interior of Suriname—known as the Hinterland—is leading researchers to believe that electricity could be one of the keys to happiness. The statement is certainly a bold one but is not new. A recent study of the impact of an IDB-backed project to connect five villages in the country’s rural interior to an electrical grid suggests that locals … [Read more...] about Could access to electricity contribute to happiness in the interior of Suriname?
COVID-19: The Response of the IDB Group in Central America and the Dominican Republic in 2020
The year 2020 was unprecedented throughout the world, and Central America and the Dominican Republic were no exceptions. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as those of Hurricanes Eta and Iota in some countries, caused the largest economic contraction in the region in recent history, surpassing even the effects of the 2009 global financial crisis. In the wake of the … [Read more...] about COVID-19: The Response of the IDB Group in Central America and the Dominican Republic in 2020
Citizen Monitoring is Combating Corruption in Peru
María Jiménez * is determined to put an end to corruption in Peru. The 26-year old economist monitors public works and files reports on irregularities. This can lead to complaints and penalties for construction firms that commit violations. María is participating in a monitoring program called Citizen Control Monitors, comprised of hundreds of volunteers who, like her, have … [Read more...] about Citizen Monitoring is Combating Corruption in Peru
Community Participation: The Key to Confronting Natural Disasters in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador
On October 30, 1998 Hurricane Mitch caused hundreds of rock and debris-filled landsides, brought about by the erosion of riverbanks in the most vulnerable neighborhoods on the outskirts of the cities of Tegucigalpa and Comayagüela. The most devastating landslide originated below the hilltop of what is today called the Cerro El Berrinche. It was an event of biblical … [Read more...] about Community Participation: The Key to Confronting Natural Disasters in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador