We are delighted to announce the launch of the Inter-American Development Bank’s Impact Evaluation Hub, a “one stop shop” for everything you need (well, almost) for an impact evaluation (IE). The hub provides links to many excellent resources on the web, as well as an array of documents unique to the portal available in English and Spanish for users to download and adapt for their own purposes. The portal’s structure broadly follows the sequence of an impact evaluation: (1) Design, (2) Implementation, (3) Data collection, (4) Analysis and dissemination, and a cross-cutting (5) Learning section. We invite you to explore the following five links:
(1) Design an IE will help you define a solid methodological framework for your impact evaluation, with tools to determine what to evaluate and how to evaluate it.
(2) Implement an IE provides tools to assist in practical tasks such as hiring technical support.
(3) Data collection provides resources for surveys and data management, including examples of questionnaires, manuals, and data entry-programs that can be tailored for specific applications.
(4) Analysis and dissemination presents examples of dissemination strategies.
(5) Learning includes training materials and links to impact evaluation courses.
We will continue to update the portal with new materials on an ongoing basis, so bookmark this page and return frequently! Also stay tuned to our blog posts on how to do an impact evaluation step by step.
Happy impact evaluating…
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