How do you envisage the nature-based solutions that could help us overcome water security challenges? Send us your collage and participate in our campaign.
World Water Day is observed every year on March 22. On this occasion, the theme of the “Nature for Water” campaign focuses on solutions based on nature and on how they can help us tackle water-related challenges in the 21st Century. UN Water invites us to reflect upon these solutions using creativity.
What are these nature-based solutions? Rivers, creeks, wetlands, floodplains, and forests provide key services, such as clean water and protection against floods. This is because they have the ability to filter, store and regulate water flows, enabling basins to work properly. Together with gray infrastructure, these natural ecosystems help ensure our cities’ water resilience and security. They should therefore be considered key components of our water infrastructure. Read more here.
The answer is in nature. You are hereby invited to join the UN Water campaign, creating a collage to illustrate your views on nature-based solutions. More information here: (see collage kit)
Criteria for participating in our campaign. If you are a creative person who takes an interest in water issues and want to participate in our campaign, you can send us your collage to [email protected] until April 6, 2018 (11:59PM ET) according to the following measures and specifications (Only digital format works will be admitted. They can be either color or black and white, in TIFF or JPG format, of between 1MB and 15MB, and of a resolution of not less than 300 dpi, of 1080 pixels by 1350 pixels). Include your name, contact information and one paragraph explaining your collage (not more than 200 words, in any of the Bank’s four official languages: Spanish, Portuguese, English or French). We will choose 10 works that will be displayed on the UN Water’s World Water Day website, on this blog and on the social networks of the two institutions. Of the 10 selected entries, the top 2 will be declared winners, and each granted US$500 in cash.
The campaign’s resources are here:
In addition, one work chosen by the public will also be announced. The selection process will be as follows: the works presented by the Finalists will be submitted to an open vote by the public in general, who will be able to pick their favorite on the IDB’s Facebook page. The Finalists’ works will be displayed on one of the IDB Facebook pages in May 2018.
Frequently asked questions. We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions. Please read them, as well as the requirements to participate, before sending your work. Remember—the most important thing is to participate and be creative.
Can we use other images or sources aside from those on the UN Water’s World Water Day? What really matters is that you transmit your vision. So yes, you can use your own images and other visual resources. Just remember that they must be either your own images, or else you need to have right of use over them.
Is there a maximum/minimum number of words or elements that we must use in the collage? No. Again, the most important thing is to transmit a vision. The UN Water examples are just meant as guidelines.
Can we participate on behalf of an institution? Yes, an entry can be made either on a person’s own behalf (18 years of age or older, and national of a Bank member country) or on behalf of a legally constituted entity.
Can we participate with multiple entries? No. Only one entry per person or institution is allowed. A person participating on behalf of an institution cannot participate on his or her own behalf.
Can we participate anonymously? No. every entry needs to be assigned to a person’s name or to an institution. The 10 selected works will be notified by email before their display on the institutions’ pages / networks.
Is there any cash reward? Yes. The 10 selected collages will potentially be displayed on the UN Water’s World Water Day and on the IDB websites and on their institutional social networks along with the author / institution name and an abstract (and/or translation) of the paragraph explaining the collage. Of the 10 collages, 2 will be declared winners and will receive a US$500 award each. Those deciding to participate agree that the two institutions –UN Water and the IDB– can use the collage and text (or the modifications deemed necessary, as well as any translations) on their networks and websites.
What criteria will be used to select the collages? Originality and the power of the core campaign message – that solutions based on nature should be key components of our water infrastructure.
Can the collage have multiple logos? Yes. What is important is that it includes the World Water day logo. After that, it can have other logos to which the participants have right of use. The logo/s can be placed anywhere in the collage.
Can we use the collage in our own networks before March 22? Yes. And please do it. The idea is to contribute to generate awareness of the importance of water. Let’s use the #worldwaterday #diamundialdelagua hashtags so we can all join the conversation.
If you have any questions not included in this list, write to us at [email protected]
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