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Gustavo Méndez

Gustavo Méndez
Gustavo Méndez coordinates and leads the IDB team in Brazil, responsible for preparing and implementing all IDB water and sanitation projects and technical cooperations in the country. Prior to joining the IDB, Gustavo worked at the German Development Bank (KfW) as a Senior Sector Specialist for Latin America and the Caribbean. He was also appointed Sector Coordinator for the German Government in the water and sanitation sector in Peru. Gustavo has extensive experience in the design and implementation of investment projects, mostly in Latin American countries such as Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and others. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the Federico Santa Maria Technical University in Valparaíso, Chile, with a master’s degree in Civil Engineering, where he was also a researcher in hydrological simulation mathematical models. He has a postgraduate degree in mathematical methods applied to Civil Engineering.