On March 15th during IDB’s Annual Meeting in Montevideo, we launched the third edition of the Development Effectiveness Overview.
As in previous years the DEO is divided in two parts:
(i) Accountability: where we the effectiveness of our work (at all stages and in all products) is measured, monitored and reported.
(ii) Learning: where we report on what the Bank is learning works best in the region by evaluating our interventions in the most rigorous manner possible.
Here go some conclusions of the DEO 2011:
- The Bank’s performance shows an upward trend in becoming a results-based organization.
- We consolidated the implementation of our development effectiveness agenda, which has produced encouraging results.
- We have demonstrated progress in 2011 on 27 output indicators that summarize the Bank’s contributions to the region’s economic and social development.
More specifically:
- All Country Strategies are becoming results based.
- Bank projects have increased significantly their evaluability (86% of projects are highly evaluable).
- All our projects in 2011 had either a cost benefit or cost effectiveness analysis.
- We are increasing the number of evaluation designs in each sector.
- The new monitoring system is working and helping us improve performance.
In this viDEO you can see some examples of how we do the right things right…enjoy!
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